Strategy : an introduction to game theory /

Watson, Joel,

Strategy : an introduction to game theory / Joel Watson. - xv, 334 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Preface -- Introduction -- Noncooperative Game Theory -- Contract and Cooperative Game Theory -- The Meaning of "Game" -- Representing Games -- The Extensive Form -- Other Examples and Conventions -- Exercises -- Strategies -- Exercises -- The Normal Form -- Classic Normal-Form Games -- Interpretation of the Normal Form -- Exercises -- Beliefs, Mixed Strategies, and Expected Utility -- Exercises -- Analyzing Behavior in Static Settings -- Dominance and Best Response -- Dominance -- The First Strategic Tension and the Prisoners' Dilemma -- The Concept of Efficiency -- Best Response -- Dominance and Best Response Compared -- Exercises -- Rationalizability and Iterated Dominance -- The Second Strategic Tension -- Exercises -- Location and Partnership -- A Location Game -- A Partnership Game: Strategic Complementarities -- Exercises -- Congruous Strategies and Nash Equilibrium -- Congruous Sets -- Nash Equilibrium -- Equilibrium of the Partnership Game -- Coordination and Social Welfare -- The Third Strategic Tension -- Aside: Behavioral Game Theory -- Exercises -- Oligopoly, Tariffs, and Crime and Punishment -- Cournot Duopoly Model -- Bertrand Duopoly Model -- Tariff Setting by Two Countries -- A Model of Crime and Police -- Exercises -- Mixed-Strategy Nash Equilibrium -- Exercises -- Strictly Competitive Games and Security Strategies -- Exercises -- Contract, Law, and Enforcement in Static Settings -- Complete Contracting in Discretionary Environments -- Contracting with Court-Imposed Breach Remedies -- Exercises -- Analyzing Behavior in Dynamic Settings -- Details of the Extensive Form -- Exercises -- Backward Induction and Subgame Perfection -- Sequential Rationality and Backward Induction -- Subgame Perfection -- Exercises -- Topics in Industrial Organization -- Advertising and Competition -- A Model of Limit Capacity -- Dynamic Monopoly -- Price Guarantees as a Commitment to High Prices -- Exercises -- Parlor Games -- Exercises -- Bargaining Problems -- Bargaining: Value Creation and Division -- An Abstract Representation of Bargaining Problems -- An Example -- The Standard Bargaining Solution -- Exercises -- Analysis of Simple Bargaining Games -- Ultimatum Games: Power to the Proposer -- Two-Period, Alternating-Offer Games: Power to the Patient -- Infinite-Period, Alternating-Offer Game -- Exercises -- Games with Joint Decisions; Negotiation Equilibrium -- Joint Decisions -- Negotiation Equilibrium -- Example: Contracting for High-Powered Incentives -- Exercises -- Investment, Hold Up, and Ownership -- Hold Up Example -- Asset Ownership -- Exercises -- Repeated Games and Reputation -- A Two-Period Repeated Game -- An Infinitely Repeated Game -- The Equilibrium Payoff Set with Low Discounting -- Exercises -- Collusion, Trade Agreements, and Goodwill -- Dynamic Oligopoly and Collusion -- Enforcing International Trade Agreements -- Goodwill and Trading a Reputation -- Exercises -- Information -- Random Events and Incomplete Information -- Exercises -- Risk and Incentives in Contracting -- Risk Aversion -- A Principal-Agent Game -- Exercises -- Bayesian Nash Equilibrium and Rationalizability -- Exercises -- Trade with Incomplete Information -- Markets and Lemons -- Auctions -- Exercises -- Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium -- Conditional Beliefs about Types -- Sequential Rationality -- Consistency of Beliefs -- Equilibrium Definition -- Exercises -- Job-Market Signaling and Reputation -- Jobs and School -- Reputation and Incomplete Information -- Exercises -- Appendices -- Review of Mathematics -- Sets -- Functions and Calculus -- Probability -- The Mathematics of Rationalizability -- Dominance, Best Response, and Correlated Conjectures -- Rationalizability Construction -- Exercises -- Index. 1. Part I. 2. 3. 4. 5. Part II. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Part III. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Part IV. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. A. B.

0393976483 9780393976489


Game theory.
Economics--Psychological aspects
Strategic planning.

HB144. / W37 2002


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