Nga take i neke ai te Maori . . Maori mobility. Report 2. : He iwi pokai whenua, nga haerenga, nga pokai a-rohe me nga heke whai koronga kei nga korero tuku iho Maori = A journeying people, travel, transience and migration in Maori history. =

Butterworth, Graham Victor, 1941-

Nga take i neke ai te Maori . . Maori mobility. Report 2. : He iwi pokai whenua, nga haerenga, nga pokai a-rohe me nga heke whai koronga kei nga korero tuku iho Maori = A journeying people, travel, transience and migration in Maori history. = - vi, 52 p. ; 30 cm.


Migration, Internal--New Zealand
Kōrero nehe.


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